MGL Group Proudly Supports Heel and Toe Charity Golf Event - MGL Group
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MGL Group Proudly Supports Heel and Toe Charity Golf Event

MGL Group is proud to sponsor the upcoming Heel and Toe Golf Day. This charitable event, taking place on September 20th at Ramside Golf Course, will raise funds for Heel and Toe Children’s Charity.

Dedicated to supporting disabled children across the North East, Heel and Toe provides essential therapies, including hydrotherapy and speech and language therapy. These services empower children with complex physical needs to reach their full potential.

Representatives from MGL Group will participate, and the company will sponsor a hole. Additionally, we’ve donated a hamper. The funds raised through this event will benefit local children.

Our longstanding partnership with Heel and Toe reflects our commitment to giving back to the community. We are honoured to contribute to this worthwhile cause and positively impact the lives of disabled children in the region.

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