Celebrating Volunteers Week by Recognising Community Heroes - MGL Group
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Celebrating Volunteers Week by Recognising Community Heroes

At MGL Group, we’re proud supporters of volunteers and their invaluable contributions. Volunteers’ Week (June 3rd to 9th) is a nationwide celebration of the incredible people who give their time and talents to build stronger communities.

Last year, we proudly sponsored the Lumiere Durham volunteers, who welcomed visitors to the city and helped make the light art biennial a success.

Over 300 volunteers worked hard to create a welcoming atmosphere for Durham’s bight art biennial attendees. Volunteers greeted the public and guided visitors to the beautiful light installations around the city.

In addition to recognising the contributions of volunteers in communities across the UK, it also raises awareness about the benefits of becoming a volunteer and the diverse volunteering roles available. It’s a rewarding experience for the volunteers, equipping people with new skills and boosting their self-esteem.

2024 marks a special milestone – 40 years since Volunteering England first established this week of recognition.

Thank you to all volunteers for their hard work and commitment.

Witnessing the incredible power of collaboration and creativity is truly inspiring, which is why we are delighted to be a part of bringing Lumiere to life. It wouldn’t be possible without the tireless efforts of the volunteers who ensure that every attendee leaves with unforgettable memories. We’re proud to join forces with like-minded individuals who share our passion for highlighting everything wonderful about Durham. Together, let us make great things happen!

Gillian Reader, Director, MGL Group

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